Noel's Trolls
The measure of one's success when dealing with the extreme right and their followers is collecting trolls. This can be further measured by the troll's rank and the viciousness of the attacks. For example; when Joeseph Wilson pointed out that the claim that Niger had supplied materials to Iraq to fabricate nukes were false and the documents the Bush administration produced to add credence to the false claim obviouse forgeries not only was he smeared but his wife was smeared and her status as a CIA undercover operator revealed. Judgeing by both the high rank of the administration trolls and the visciousness of the personal attacks on the victim and his family members this would be a code red attack. I usually just get a passing hit and run attack, say a code yellow, probably from some kid but since I started this blog the instances have increased and included some serious stalkers as well. One who has called me on the phone, researched my posts on the internet, though not very well, and attacked with as much force as her/his illogical mind can muster. Most notable, and most flattering, is their attack on my military service which they dismiss just as John McCain's service was smeared (which included the very dangerous task of flying into fortified North Vietnam and spending 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton) Max Clelland's patriotism was smeared as well as his service( which included losing limbs) and John Kerry's service was smeared and belittled when he served on swift boats in South Vietnam, an extremely dangerous job. I never did anything quite that brave but was in combat in North Vietnam and have posted various things about that service which can generally be collaborated by publically available evidence so am flattered and honored to be attacked by low ranking trolls. I assume low ranking though one claims to be running the world and has taken time to dog me!
At any rate I have started a page with some of the discussions for general education and entertainment on my web site at Treason Incorporated. They are getting desperate as their poll numbers drop and cornered rats are not able to leave a sinking ship or...argue issues logically. Just mimic those who can and curse those who say we are related to monkeys.
When people resort to name calling, threatening (indicating they know who you are, where you live,etc, outlandish claims, etc. They know they have lost, so they deflect, attack, deflect, attack. But you alraedy know this.
Keep up the honest fight. Honesty and truth is the only thing we have and it frightens them and the dillusion they live under. Sort of like the married person that just found out their spouse cheated. A lot of people will put the blame elsewhere (not on the guilty spouse who cheated)and make a million and one excuses for the cheating spouse, rather than upsetting their lives and what they believed in (an unworthy liar and a LIE)or they act like it never happened and continue living the lie.
Regards, Sandra in the lost US
Thank you Sandra. The biggest problem now is that they are doing it at the top and, backed by massive wealth with which they have purchased the media and most politicians outright, they have succeeded in claiming all branches of the government even though by the smallest margin imaginable. That the margin of their ill gotten "victories" is so close is a testament to the good sense of the American people. That small people would try to emulate the Limbaughs, O'Reillys and Roves is no wonder. Though these sad emulators of Limbaugh, O'Reilly and the others are mostly a nuisance to others without the power of Fox "News" and the rest of the propaganda machine behind them they are another sad group of victims of this corrupt regime. The example they set and the damage they are doing directly to our education system is designed to herald another "dark" age.
I would like to reiterate my point that at least, in the case of some of the more persistent trolls, we have their attention even though they don't generally have a long enough attention span to grasp more than sound bytes and take small phrases out of context without understanding the point it is a group we can work with. They were programmed and they can be deprogrammed. The venomous rage displayed in their juvenile, below the belt attacks is not just a testament to their lack of knowledge of facts but to the fact that they care somewhat about what is going on in our country and the world and know, in their hearts, that in spite of obtaining the White House, congress and Supreme court by underhanded means they know they have lost.
They are losers. There is nothing worse than a bad loser than a bad winner and bad winners in the case of politics if not all things, are really also losers who know they are losers with ill gotten gains they don't know what to do with.
Noel, you're doing an excellent job! And you're so right about the limited capacities of the standard troll. Good on ya, for sticking to your guns! And shame on them, for displaying their juvenile minds so -- aha! -- LIBERALLY to the rest of us!
you know you are winning when they are scared they are about to collapse under there own wait just keep it up and the empire will be over within 70-80 years
keep up the good typing
this is where you trools without a brige belong like noel said attack attack. if you idiots would take a second to read soe of the articles on this page you might learn something but no instead all you do is attack. quit polluting the blogs and get a life. brenja
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